How to catch outgoing HTML response?


Struggling to get hold of a response in Apigee in case of pure HTML structure.  I have a HTML response like

<html><head><title>yo man</title><head><body>something goes in here # 1234567 </body></html>.


I have tried various mechanisms like Extract Variable Policy from Response,  Assign Variable Policy Copy from Response, Javascript use of various flow variables but none of those options are working.


Is there anybody could please suggest to catch a pure HTML response in Apigee?  

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You can use the caching policies to cache responses, of any content type. Or any arbitrary data. Here are the doc links for you.

Hi @dchiesa1 Its a high controlled environment and caching isn't an option which I can do in an individual proxy. 

From your experience, in what scenario, Response.Content object would be empty? I tried on Google's eval version and response.content works fine.