How to Continue on error from target

How can I continue on error to execute the target PostFlow response? If target fails it doesn't execute the target response flow..

I have some logging in Target postflow response.

<PostFlow name="PostFlow"> 


3 5 2,290

Hi - you need to handle failures in the target with FaultRules.

See the documentation for how to do this.

here's an example:

<TargetEndpoint name='default'>
  <Description>my target endpoint</Description>
    <FaultRule name='other-fault'>
      <!-- This FaultRule always catches all uncaught faults. -->

    <!-- conditional flows here -->

  <PreFlow name='PreFlow'>
      <!-- insert policies here if you like -->
      <!-- or here... -->

    <!-- modify this URL to point to something valid -->


adding to Dino's answer - the real 'continueOnError' for target is specifying additional ''

search for here,

you can specify what errors you want to ignore - in this case your TargetResponse flow will execute and not the Fault flow.

But exercise caution with this approach - since in your Target Response flow - you might be having some policies that might work only for successful response

Not applicable

It is not uncommon to find targets that return a bad status code - rather a not useful status code - say a 200 OK with an error block int he response when a 404 would have sufficed.

Your case is the inverse - you want to continue the flow even if you got a 4XX error from the target. In that case as Mukundha says above you should add the status code to the success codes in your target.xml definition as below:

            <Property name="supports.http10">false</Property>
            <Property name="request.retain.headers">User-Agent,Referer,Accept-Language</Property>
            <Property name="retain.queryparams.enabled">true</Property>
            <Property name="keepalive.timeout.millis">60000</Property>
            <Property name="connect.timeout.millis">3000</Property>
            <Property name="request.retain.headers.enabled">true</Property>
            <Property name="response.retain.headers.enabled">true</Property>
            <Property name="">1xx,2xx,3xx</Property>

In this example you will treat any 3XX series error as a success and continue to the response flows after the target returns. As Mukunduha says be careful with this - as you will proceed for all 3XX errors - good test cases are your friend!

I am using message logging to log all the information irrespective of sucess & failure as apigee doesn't have a UI to track detail traffic information.Trace feature is for certain time to debug an issue,how about tracking historical information which is common usecase ?

Is there any best solution to log?

Other issue:

Why does Post Client flow doesn't support JS policies?


preach it! These are really important questions that dont get asked enough. If enough people push on these issues maybe they will be fixed. I would like to see js in the post client flow as a bare MINIMUM. The rest of the logging situation is close behind as something that really needs to be fixed.