How do I find out what license we use? E.G. Standard or Enterprise?,How do I find out what License version we are on? e.g. Standard or Enterprise?

How do I find out what license we use? E.G. Standard or Enterprise?

We signed up to Apigee a few years ago when the licenses had different names. How do I find out which License we have now?


We are a current licensed user of Apigee, but we signed up a few years ago when the licenses were named differently. How do I find out which license were are currently on? E.G. Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus?

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Former Community Member
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There is no self-service mechanism to get information about your license entitlement. The best approach would be to contact you sales representative.

Hi Robert

I just responded to your question on email. Happy to jump on a call if you have any further questions.

Best regards
