How can edge micro be configured when a cert other than the apigee cert is used by the org

When setting up Edge Micro it appears that the default behaviour is for it to connect to <org>-<env>

This fails with "Error: Hostname/IP doesn't match certificate's altnames" if the cert that has been set up for this endpoint is not the default apigee wildcard cert.

Is there a way to change the URL during the configuration step or is it required to manually change the jwt_public_key parameter in agent/config/default.yaml to point to the correct domain?

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Not applicable

Hi Karl,

There is a workaround until we allow support for custom SSL.

1. Use non SSL end point. Modify agent/config/default.yaml to http://{org}-{env}


2. Before starting EdgeMicro agent, set the environment NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED ="0"