How can I use a custom CSS for my Cloud Developer Portal

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How can I use a custom css for my developer portal? I have no access to the file system, and I only want to change some typology and fonts, like h1, h2, h3, p, a etc.
1 1 1,971

Dear @jan.willem.hennink ,

You can change each and every dom element css in developer portal using CSS & Custom Themes. You need access to the code base of developer portal. You also need little bit of Drupal Themeing expertise to work with themes and change css.

Please raise a support ticket here to get access to pantheon hosting platform where our cloud developer portals are hosted. Once you get access, create your own sub theme out of Apigee Responsive theme and start adding your custom css in sites/all/themes/YOURTHEME/css/style.css file.

Check doc here on building a new sub theme in Apigee Developer Portal


Anil Sagar