How can I find what region(s) my Organization is deployed to?

I want to know which regions my Organization is deployed to. How can I find this? Is there a management API that I can call to determine the list of regions to which I'm deployed?


2 4 1,460

hmmmmmmm, are you asking about the location of the message processors provisioned for the organization?

or ... the location of the storage nodes that support your organization?

or... something else?

There might be information in the servers collection for an environment, but... querying that is prohibited, even for orgadmin. You need to be sysadmin to see it.

$ curl -X GET -i -n
403 Forbidden

Former Community Member
Not applicable

When you trace the proxy, you can see some Apigee variables that gives you clues to it.


I am looking for where my message processors are. Typically I'd know this, but in this case, I have an Apigee trial/evaluation organization and I don't know where it is located.

First grab your IP addresses using the technique detailed here:

You can then feed these IP addresses into any IP Geo-location tool (lots of free ones available on the web) to get the location where the traffic is originating from. I tried it out on my free org and got the result “Virginia” which I believe to be accurate.