How can I add a "Getting Started" type of HTML document to the Dev Portal

New Member

I'm looking for an easy way to add an HTML document linked in the top menu, similar to "Getting Started" in

I tried adding Basic Page but it's not clear how to embed images there. Click on the Image icon opens an empty "Media Browser"....

I'm increasingly frustrated about the time it takes to set up simple things in the Dev Portal.

Example of what I mean - here's your own documentation explaining how to add content pages in the portal - - how is it relevant to the Drupal portal?

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i'm sorry you're having a frustrating time.

Drupal is very powerful and flexible, but it can be daunting and confusing for people who are new to it.

For adding a link to an existing menu, I can suggest a google search that turns up many helpful documents. Following these, you will be able to create a basic page, then add a menu item for that page into the main menu, or a different menu. You could also add links into submenus (cascaded menus). Search for "drupal submenu" for information on that.

Regarding how to get an image to be embedded into a basic page... you said that you had trouble with that too. There are various ways to do it in Drupal, but I myself am HTML fluent, so I don't mind just embedding an img tag into the basic page. Here is a screencast showing how I do that.

There are various other modules (add-ons) to drupal that attempt to assist in various aspects of this job. I think the IMCE add-on works nicely if you are concerned about having a common image size and format (what drupal calls an image style). But I've not got extensive experience with that, so I just do it the old-fashioned, HTML way.