Have OPDK 4.16.01 and scan indicates PHP vulnerabilities. How to upgrade PHP?

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Currently installed 4.16.01 which includes Dev Portal with PHP 5.4. Secuity scan indicates PHP 5.4 has vulnerabilities and we must upgrade to 5.5.

We did a yum install php55 php55-php php55-php-gd php55-php-mbstring

and a few other related packages and now have security vulnerabilities being reported in both PHP54 and PHP55.

How do we get rid of old versions of PHP? I am worried that just issuing an yum erase will break the Dev Portal.

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Please immediately raise this as a support ticket.

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I am preparing a document on this very topic.

Here's the outline of how it's done with CentOS or RHEL. These are only vague pointers; I will flesh things out in the next week or two.

  1. Add the ius repo to your list of available repos. This page has more info: https://ius.io/GettingStarted/
  2. Uninstall all vanilla PHP-related rpms. You can get a list of these as follows: rpm -qa | grep php
  3. For each of the above you uninstalled, install the corresponding one starting with php56u (for PHP 5.6) or php70u (for PHP 7.0).
  4. Restart Apache.

I strongly suggest trying this out in a VM first to make sure you have all the wrinkles ironed out.

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Thanks for documenting the process! Helps alleviate much trial and error. Will attempt it on Monday.

You're welcome! At some future time this will be written as a script and bundled with on-premises upgrade packages.

The upgrade worked as documented. Thanks