Handling Retina and normal sized images on the Portal

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Hello. Which module or approach do you suggest for handling both Retina and standard-sized images on the portal for displays of varying resolutions? I see there is a "Picture" module which may work, but I am not sure it is compatible with the Apigee Responsive theme which we are using.

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Dear @north.krimsly ,

  • For retina images, you can try using Retina Images module.
  • For resolution related changes, you can try using Image Cache actions module which takes care of dynamically scaling images, cropping, various image cache actions.

Drupal theme layer is independent of modules used in portal. You can go ahead and use Pictures module if solves the use case you are looking for. If you see any issue with theme you always have option to override base apigee_responsive theme in your sub theme.


Anil Sagar