Generating using JSON to XML policy in Apigee

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to generate xml data for my input json data using JSON to XML policy

My request:

"Schinfo":[{"amt":"23","code":"15","otp": "Z"}]

Code which I am using:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<JSONToXML async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="JSON-to-XML-2">
    <DisplayName>JSON to XML-1</DisplayName>

My Response:

  </Schinfo> </Root>

But My expected xml data should be in below format

  </Schinfo> </ROOT>

Root tag should in caps <ROOT>

Can anyone please on this.

Thank You,

Lakshmi Motupalli

1 2 139

There's an Options element that does this for you.


<JSONToXML name="JSON-to-XML-2">
        <!-- add the following -->
        <!-- the following applies to arrays only. -->

Hello Everyone,

Now I am getting <ROOT> tag as response by using the below line in JSON to XML policy


Thank you,
