For 304 status code from services the gateway takes a long time to return response

I've implemented supporting If-Modified-Since header for my APIs ( within my web service and do notice that for the cases where the response had empty body esp., with status code 304 the gateway was responding after 6000ms 😞 Not sure what can be done at the gateway policy to circumvent this

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If you can reproduce this, you should take a trace to see what exactly is causing the latency. The trace will tell you which policy (or policies) are causing the delay and you can troubleshoot from there.

We were running into this same issue with HTTP 204 and 304 responses from origin. The fix is to remove the Content-Encoding response header at origin when these status codes are sent. I'm assuming that Apigee opens a gzip reader when Content-Encoding is set but there are no response bytes in the body so the gzip reader times out after 30 seconds (in our case). Good luck!