Facing "No Active Runtime Pods" In Apigee X Hybrid Organization.

I am trying to setup the Apigee Hybrid runtime plane AWS EKS following the documentation provided by Google(v1.8). We have followed everything as per the documentation but still facing "No Active Runtime Pods" issue in Apigee managenment plane. Checked all the pods and everything is running and in ready status.

Please provide a possible cause and solution for this issue.

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Interestingly, I don't see the Apigee Connect service running in your pod list. Please see https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/hybrid/v1.8/apigee-connect for more information on Connect and how to configure it. While it should be enabled by default, it is possible that it was overridden at some point. In your overrides.yaml  can you ensure the following is present and immediately follows under the k8sCluster stanza.:

# Apigee Connect Agent
  enabled: true
  serviceAccountPath: ./service-accounts/MART_SA_KEYFILE.json



Thanks for the insights. The "enabled: true" configuration was not there before. 

I have added it and applied the changes again. But still can't find the pod connectAgent/ Mart in the list.


You are missing three services I would expect to see here: connect, mart, and watcher. It could be that your Cassandra pods are running but they they have not completed their app initialization, which is preventing Apigee from bringing up those 3 other services. Let's check the Apigee datastore service. Can you provide the output from the following:

kubectl proxy --port 8001
curl -H "Accept: application/json" ''


It is in running state