Extract variable with dynamic prefix variable name

Hi everyone, i have a question about extract variable spesific on <VariablePrefix>. this is my code




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ExtractVariables async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="EV-CreateVarResp">
<Source clearPayload="false">response</Source>
<Variable name="name">



can I grab variable existing to initiate variable prefix to the code above? Is it possible to do that? How can I implement this?

the variable result I want is:



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Not with one step. The VariablePrefix element in the ExtractVariables policy does not take a message template. It's a fixed string, so you cannot set a dynamically-determined prefix.

Another way to set a variable is to use AssignMessage and AssignVariable. The syntax for that is:

<AssignMessage name='AM-Example'>

And there again, the Name element does not accept a template or ref.  Like the VariablePrefix element in the ExtractVariables policy, it's a fixed string.  

But there is a way to set a variable with a dynamically determined name: the setVariable() call within a JavaScript step. 

// assume a prior ExtractVariables step set a variable
// called 'extracted.name'. 

// Set a new variable with a fixed name.

// Set a new variable with a dynamically-determined name.


View solution in original post


Not with one step. The VariablePrefix element in the ExtractVariables policy does not take a message template. It's a fixed string, so you cannot set a dynamically-determined prefix.

Another way to set a variable is to use AssignMessage and AssignVariable. The syntax for that is:

<AssignMessage name='AM-Example'>

And there again, the Name element does not accept a template or ref.  Like the VariablePrefix element in the ExtractVariables policy, it's a fixed string.  

But there is a way to set a variable with a dynamically determined name: the setVariable() call within a JavaScript step. 

// assume a prior ExtractVariables step set a variable
// called 'extracted.name'. 

// Set a new variable with a fixed name.

// Set a new variable with a dynamically-determined name.


thanks bro dchiesa1 for your answer, this opened my mind to implement it from another perspective based on your reference. my code now running flawlessly