Export company apps in .csv format

I am not able to find an option to download company apps in .csv format from Edge UI. Is there a way to do so ?

0 6 316

No, not as far as I know.

The Management API for Apigee Edge allows 2 primary response typoes: XML or JSON.

Of course on the client side you could parse either of those formats to produce a .csv.

What data for each app, specifically, do you want to export?

I am looking for similar details as we get from export of developer apps except few attributes which are not relevant to company apps like Firstname, LastName, Email, Username, DeveloperId.

CompanyName Created(UTC) LastModified(UTC) AppName AppDisplayName AppFamily AppId CallbackUrl AppStatus AppScopes AppCreated(UTC) AppLastModified(UTC) Product ProductDisplayName ProductStatus Description ProductApprovalType ProductApiResources ProductEnvironments ProductProxies ProductScopes ProductQuota ProductQuotaInterval ProductQuotaTimeUnit ProductCreated(UTC) ProductLastModified(UTC

I have referred below management api call and can convert json to csv but it does not give product details for the apps.


Sorry, Apoorva, can you elaborate on this ?

it does not give product details for the apps.

What details are missing?

Hi @Dino-at-Google, The product details are missing which are associated with the each company app.


It sounds to me that you want to query the app and in response, you'd like to get information regarding a product. That's not how it works. The app and product are two distinct entities. There can be a relation between them (an app is authorized for a product), but the Mgmt API for Apigee Edge does not include an analog of a "Join" capability that databases offer to retrieve information from two tables and join the results together. In Apigee Edge if you want to get information on two distinct entities, you need to query them distinctly.

  • if you want to get product information, query the product.
  • If you want to get app information, query the app.
  • If you want information on both an app and a product, then query both things.

If this answer isn't satisfactory, then I don't understand what you're asking or expecting.

In that case, Can you be more specific? Take a step back, start again, assume I don't understand what you're trying to do.

You are making query X (WHAT QUERY? With what tool? Give an example)

You receive information Y (which information, specifically?)

You are expecting information Z (WHICH INFORMATION?)

Let me start over again. Our business is looking to get information for all registered company apps including the associated products with each app same like we get from the export of developer apps from Edge UI.

I have attached the file on how we get the details for developer apps, developer and products from Edge UI. developers-apps-products-20190801t105723-148z.zip

As you have mentioned, it looks like there is no option to export the details for company apps from Edge UI like we can do for developer apps.

The option I understood is to make the management API call. When I make below managament api call, I do get the details regarding the company apps but not the associated products with each app.


I also understand that Apps and Products are different entities and to get all expected details the option I understood is to get details separately and join them. Is this the only option ?

Management api call to get company apps details - {{managementapi_url}}/v1/organizations/{{org_name}}/companies?expand=true

Management api call to get products associated with company - {{managementapi_url}}/v1/organizations/{{org_name}}/apiproducts/{{apiproduct_name}}?query=list&entity=companies