Error while configuring maven plugin to deploy to Apigee

Not applicable


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Failed to configure plugin parameters for: se4g:apigee-edge-maven-plugin:1.0.3 Cause: Cannot assign value '' to field: io.apigee.buildTools.enterprise4g.maven plugin.DeployMojo.buildOption; type: java.lang.String

I am getting the above error while try to run

mvn install -Ptest -username={my_email}-password={my_password}

command in my local, I appreciate your help...

here is my pom files



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The command is

mvn install -Ptest -Dusername={email} -Dpassword={password}

You are missing -D in front as these are arguments being passed to maven

Please accept the answer if it worked.

I tried with mvn install -Ptest-Dusername={email} -Dpassword={password},

mvn install -Ptest -Dapigee.username={email} -Dapigee.password={password} and

mvn apigee-enterprise:deploy -Ptest -Dapigee.username={email} -Dapigee.password={password} as well, so far not working for me.

But, mvn package command is working as expected. Please have a look at the sample project I am using

Thanks for the zip. Will take a look. Are you seeing the same error logs (as mentioned in your post) for all the above commands ?

I will take a look at your bundle and get back to you shortly.

Yes, I am getting same error


I ran the maven command in ./apigee-ci-jenkins/apigee-ci-jenkins/apiproxies/weather-api directory and started to see validation issues in the bundle

I looked at the bundle, there were two issues in the apiproxy/proxies/default.xml

1. There is a policy "Assign-Message-1" included as a step but no policies found in the apiproxy/policies directory. I commented that in the default.xml

2. The Flow condition was incorrect, updated that.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ProxyEndpoint name="default">
	<Description />
		<Flow name="all">
			<Description />
			<Request />
					<FaultRules />
				<!-- <Step>
					<FaultRules />
				</Step> -->
			<Condition>(proxy.pathsuffix MatchesPath "/**") and (request.verb = "GET")</Condition>
	<PreFlow name="PreFlow">
		<Request />
		<Response />
	<RouteRule name="default">
	<PostFlow name="PostFlow">
		<Request />
		<Response />

After fixing the above, I was able to see the proxy successfully deployed.

Both the command below worked for me (make sure you run it from the directory where the pom.xml is present)

mvn install -Ptest -Dusername={myuser} -Dpassword={myPwd}


mvn apigee-enterprise:deploy -Ptest -Dusername={myuser} -Dpassword={myPwd}

Hello @Sai Saran Vaidyanathan thank you for your response. I fixed the issues you suggested still getting same error, don't know why...

C:\apigee-workspace\apigee-ci-jenkins\apiproxies\weather-api> mvn install -Ptest -Dusername={myuser} -Dpassword={myPwd}

- - -

INFO ConfigureMojo:104

- =============Now zipping the App Bundle================

15:41:33,994 DEBUG ZipUtils:78 - Creating : C:\apigee-workspace\apigee-ci-jenkin s\apiproxies\weather-api\target\ 15:41:33,994 DEBUG ZipUtils:93 - Adding: C:\apigee-workspace\apigee-ci-jenkins\ apiproxies\weather-api\target\apiproxy\policies\xmltojson-1.1.xml 15:41:33,994 DEBUG ZipUtils:93 - Adding: C:\apigee-workspace\apigee-ci-jenkins\ apiproxies\weather-api\target\apiproxy\policies\xmltojson-1.xml

15:41:34,009 DEBUG ZipUtils:93 - Adding: C:\apigee-workspace\apigee-ci-jenkins\ apiproxies\weather-api\target\apiproxy\proxies\default.xml

15:41:34,009 DEBUG ZipUtils:93 - Adding: C:\apigee-workspace\apigee-ci-jenkins\ apiproxies\weather-api\target\apiproxy\targets\default.xml

15:41:34,025 DEBUG ZipUtils:93 - Adding: C:\apigee-workspace\apigee-ci-jenkins\ apiproxies\weather-api\target\apiproxy\weather-api.xml

[INFO] -----------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Failed to configure plugin parameters for: se4g:apigee-edge-maven-plugin:1.0.3

Cause: Cannot assign value '' to field: io.apigee.buildTools.enterprise4g.mavenp lugin.DeployMojo.buildOption; type: java.lang.String


Have attached the bundle with the changes. Try unzipping this to a completely new directory and see if that works.

@Sai Saran Vaidyanathan

Thank you for your help, the problem get fixed. Cause I was using maven 2.x.x, solution installed maven 3.x.x

@KASSAH1 - Glad you cracked it !

Please accept this answer so that others can use as reference