Error when upgrading Apigee Hybrid from v1.5.4 to v1.6.7

Hi Team,

I have tried upgrading to v1.6.7 in one of our cluster, but was not successful. After init command the check-ready was throwing error:

[rons@BLRDEVADMWS1 hybrid-files]# $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f overrides/overrides.yaml
Parsing file: config/values.yaml
Parsing file: overrides/overrides.yaml
Error: ready check failed: error executing 'kubectl -n apigee get apigeetelemetry apigee-telemetry' command: exit status 1

Upon checking apiserver logs I could see below:

[rons@BLRDEVADMWS1 ~]# k logs kube-apiserver-blrdevuc1cp03 -n kube-system --tail=100
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array>.properties.env.items.<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array> has invalid property: anyOf
ERROR $<array>.properties.env.items.<array> has invalid property: anyOf

Looks like the k8s apiserver is unable to understand the crds created by Apigee.

[rons@BLRDEVADMWS1 ~]# kubectl get apigeetelemetries -n apigee
Unable to connect to the server: stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR

We are on Anthos baremetal version 1.7.4 and is supported as per for Apigee Hybrid v1.6.x

What could be preventing k8s from understanding the crds? Or is it something else?


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