Error in uploading cert/key pair using management api


I am trying to upload a cert/key pair in TLS keystore using the below api and getting the below error

{ "message": "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1", "contexts": [], "cause": { "message": "String index out of range: -1", "contexts": [] } }

I am using this api. The difference is that I am using postman instead of curl

curl -u <em>orgAdminEmail:password</em> -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F keyFile="@server.key" -F certFile="@signed.crt" \
-F password={key_pword} \ 

The cert is in PEM format and the key is a .key file

Am I doing anything incorrect ? Please assist



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I am not so familiar with postman. Are you certain that postman is sending a multi-part form in the request? And that the expected file content is in the request?

Have you tried it with curl? If so, does it work as expected?

Here's an example script that uses nodejs to do the same.