Error getting oauth bearer token from service account in Apigee X

Hi @dchiesa1 I am testing out the samples for cloud logging from my Apigee X Proxy. (I do have the other method working where we don't need to go the JWT route - but i still think this is valuable to get it up and running )I am having two issues. 

I have downloaded a service account key JSON key with the correct logging permissions. From there, i have - for simplicity - just hard coded it into the AssignMessage Policy. I have tried all the suggestions, from copying the private key into a private variable in the AssignMessage Policy with the "\n" removed ,replaced with backslashes and just creating everything as one line. However, all of them fail with the 

"Failed to parse key: policy(Generate-JWT-1)" error message. I am attaching some screen shots below


The funny thing is this step passes if I use the HS256 Algorithm, but thens the oauth token callout fails with a 400 error. I read somewhere that it only works if you use RS256 - hence I am stuck. If anyone has suggestions, I am open.

Screen Shot 2022-02-23 at 3.45.27 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-02-23 at 3.23.07 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-02-23 at 3.22.41 PM.png


Solved Solved
0 2 379

Hi @dchiesa1 , sorry for the late response. First off, really want to take the time to thanks you for helping all of us out - really appreciate it. Secondly, this soln works great!! This fixed the problem of the formatting. I am now able to invoke the cloud logging API.



View solution in original post


Thanks for the screenshots, super helpful .

I have downloaded a service account key JSON key with the correct logging permissions. From there, i have - for simplicity - just hard coded it into the AssignMessage Policy. I have tried all the suggestions, from copying the private key into a private variable in the AssignMessage Policy with the "\n" removed ,replaced with backslashes and just creating everything as one line. However, all of them fail with the "Failed to parse key: policy(Generate-JWT-1)" error message. I am attaching some screen shots below

Yes, I think what you want is to replace the "\n" with newlines.

Let's suppose this is your .json file:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "gcp-project-001",
  "private_key_id": "459f00670e8cc6598b06cf37",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKYwggSiAgEAAoIBAQCW6FM65yPCtn1A\n1663JqRIjOh+RudLT2HIM1yBEqQvWkwp0Lu/iq4PRm9DfYpIu0ugZkLnujMuFdRI\nkp7APWEuV7/IqQ6JbuW/6hZSV/l6csWhUXaC+Uk+rj/PFFMUlPRULvB2s2DdkSh9\nHAQI5tIOu3T86OxhjYW49KZ3ipLDxcDQzhINu9UCgYAslidKbtHEZci9WxXszboB\n+5OyuD1hY5rh9IUY0Fck/rNn7Me1HxNdsrx0+WNoiTw726diBEXdq7y1LqdG30xQ\nQ9F+lnd2b0xgzRtZuCqdpLYAGvFcpAat+lCLUwBYBbzJeBJl2I7YwQBJBGuWuXCX\nkmPObZQEAkB6GYIfO2fP0Q==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "11270269628840931",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""

In the AssignMessage, you want something like this:


I produce this with my text editor, just doing a find/replace on "\n" and replacing each one with a newline.


I have found an easier way to do things is just embed the entire .json file into a variable. Like this:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "gcp-project-001",
  "private_key_id": "459f00670e8cc6598b06cf37",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKYwggSiAgEAAoIBAQCW6FM65yPCtn1A\n1663JqRIjOh+RudLT2HIM1yBEqQvWkwp0Lu/iq4PRm9DfYpIu0ugZkLnujMuFdRI\nkp7APWEuV7/IqQ6JbuW/6hZSV/l6csWhUXaC+Uk+rj/PFFMUlPRULvB2s2DdkSh9\nHAQI5tIOu3T86OxhjYW49KZ3ipLDxcDQzhINu9UCgYAslidKbtHEZci9WxXszboB\n+5OyuD1hY5rh9IUY0Fck/rNn7Me1HxNdsrx0+WNoiTw726diBEXdq7y1LqdG30xQ\nQ9F+lnd2b0xgzRtZuCqdpLYAGvFcpAat+lCLUwBYBbzJeBJl2I7YwQBJBGuWuXCX\nkmPObZQEAkB6GYIfO2fP0Q==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "11270269628840931",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""

And then access those constituent parts via a subsequent JS callout, like this:

<Javascript name='JS-Shred-Credentials'>
var c = JSON.parse(context.getVariable('private.service-account-json'));
for (var prop in c) {
  context.setVariable('private.' + prop, c[prop]);

And then after running the AssignMessage policy and the subsequent Javascript policy, the variable private.private_key will contain something that can be parsed by the GenerateJWT policy.

ps: It definitely requires RS256 !

Hi @dchiesa1 , sorry for the late response. First off, really want to take the time to thanks you for helping all of us out - really appreciate it. Secondly, this soln works great!! This fixed the problem of the formatting. I am now able to invoke the cloud logging API.

