Error creating trace session - Failed to create DebugSession

Not applicable

I'm trying to start a trace session for a proxy in one of the environments ("stage") in our org in Edge Cloud. When I click the [ Start Trace Session ] button I get the following error:

Error creating trace session for API proxy Core-HomeStore-CustomerService, revision 1, environment stage.

Failed to create DebugSession 1521126963420

I can start a trace for the same proxy, same revision in a different environment ("prod") in the same org.

I found a similar error in the community where it was suggested that I run the following:


deployments to the two environments are identical (no errors).

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Is the issue with single API or all the API in referenced environment ?

Is deployment for the API is green in edge ? please check if you are seeing an error or half green circle for API in edge overview tab with error message similar to "The revision is deployed, but traffic cannot flow. Call timed out; either server is down or server is not reachable".

Not applicable

We ended up undeploying / redeploying the proxy and it started working.

Thanks it did work for me too after undeploying / redeploying