Error creating a rate plan through the API

Not applicable

Hi, I'm getting an error when creating a rate plan through the API. The error message is not very descriptive. Any insights on what this error might be?

Error message:

  "code": "mint.unhandledException",
  "message": "Unanticipated exception. Please contact your Support administrator with code : b28dd107-7314-41a6-b9f1-ce9474916a38",
  "contexts": []

POST payload:

  "startDate": "2016-10-13 00:00:00",
  "published": false,
  "type": "STANDARD",
  "earlyTerminationFee": 0,
  "prorate": false,
  "advance": false,
  "name": "xxx",
  "displayName": "xxx",
  "monetizationPackage": {
    "id": "xxx"
  "setUpFee": 0,
  "id": "xxx",
  "description": "xxx",
  "paymentDueDays": "30",
  "recurringType": "CALENDAR",
  "ratePlanDetails": [
      "aggregateFreemiumCounters": true,
      "aggregateStandardCounters": true,
      "aggregateTransactions": true,
      "currency": {
        "id": "usd"
      "duration": 1,
      "durationType": "MONTH",
      "freemiumDuration": 0,
      "freemiumDurationType": "MONTH",
      "freemiumUnit": 0,
      "meteringType": "VOLUME",
      "paymentDueDays": "30",
      "ratePlanRates": [
          "endUnit": 30000,
          "rate": 0,
          "startUnit": 0,
          "type": "RATECARD"
      "ratingParameter": "transactionWeight",
      "ratingParameterUnit": "transactionWeight",
      "type": "RATECARD"
  "organization": {
    "id": "xxx"
  "isPrivate": false,
  "currency": {
    "id": "usd"
  "recurringStartUnit": 1
4 3 351

Can you add organization object in ratePlanDetails and try again

  "startDate": "2016-10-13 00:00:00",
  "published": false,
  "type": "STANDARD",
  "earlyTerminationFee": 0,
  "prorate": false,
  "advance": false,
  "name": "xxx",
  "displayName": "xxx",
  "monetizationPackage": {
    "id": "xxx"
  "setUpFee": 0,
  "id": "xxx",
  "description": "xxx",
  "paymentDueDays": "30",
  "recurringType": "CALENDAR",
  "ratePlanDetails": [
      "organization": {
   			 "id": "xxx"
      "aggregateFreemiumCounters": true,
      "aggregateStandardCounters": true,
      "aggregateTransactions": true,
      "currency": {
        "id": "usd"
      "duration": 1,
      "durationType": "MONTH",
      "freemiumDuration": 0,
      "freemiumDurationType": "MONTH",
      "freemiumUnit": 0,
      "meteringType": "VOLUME",
      "paymentDueDays": "30",
      "ratePlanRates": [
          "endUnit": 30000,
          "rate": 0,
          "startUnit": 0,
          "type": "RATECARD"
      "ratingParameter": "transactionWeight",
      "ratingParameterUnit": "transactionWeight",
      "type": "RATECARD"
  "organization": {
    "id": "xxx"
  "isPrivate": false,
  "currency": {
    "id": "usd"
  "recurringStartUnit": 1

Thanks for responding! When I add that node, I get a "Error (400)(undefined): Rate plan revision error" response. I'm not making a future/revision request here (no parentRatePlan node), so not sure why that error is being generated. Can you advise? Thanks!

Hi @David DiMaria

For creating new rateplan if you are passing "id":"xxx" it's conflicting and error could be because of that! ?