Error Logging

Hi, I am using Apigee cloud and i would like capture the log only when any error occur. Also we do not have any logging tool like Splunk to push the log. I want to push all the error log to any file system.

Please suggest how to implement .

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When an error occurs Apigee enters Error Flow here you can define multiple FaultRules, within the FaultRules you can make use of MessageLoggingPolicy.

But you need to have an Edge Private Cloud edition to log messages to a file system.

> I want to push all the error log to any file system.

You can set up a fluentd server on your side with mTLS to receive log messages from Edge via Message Log policy.

Fluentd will let you to channel logs into your file system or any other type of output it supports.

Thanks for the response. Do you have any link to refer ?

If you are on edge cloud and have AWS or GCP access, you can setup Stackdriver extension to log the errors.

Logging the errors to file system without a log ingestion system like Splunk or Stackdriver is not sustainable and very difficult to use the data even if you log a lot of data.

Since you are using Edge Cloud, you need some sort of a secure backend channel to receive the data no matter what. The trivial solution is to utilize any log aggregation solution like Stackdriver, loggly or Sumologic. Among all these Stackdriver is the best bet as there are extensions available on Edge Cloud.