Error Creating (SOAP to REST) Proxy from WSDL file. Could not find the referenced type in namespace

Not applicable

Hi All,

W're experiencing the following issue in the Management Portal when we attempt to create a SOAP to REST proxy from an imported WSDL file. The WSDL appears to validate without error and works fine when we create a straight-through SOAP proxy as opposed to a REST to SOAP proxy. Is there an additional validation step that is failing because our WDSL defines something that isn't supported?


Error Creating Proxy from WSDLCould not find the referenced type 'StandardIdentifierSet' in namespace 'http://Sunsuper.CanonicalDataModel'.
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Former Community Member
Not applicable

If the WSDL is available online, may I have the link? Otherwise can you please send me the WSDL files?

Hi Srinandan,

I can certainly share portions of the WSDL if you can give me an indication of where to look?

Thanks for your assistance.



Former Community Member
Not applicable

@James Hedges I need access to the WSDL to ascertain where the problem is. If you're more comfortable sharing this info to support, then please open a support ticket. Add your WSDL there. I will look at it.

Will do. Cheers.