Edgemicro-auth proxy /products endpoint does not return any results

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We have configured Edgemicro for a free org. This sets up edgemicro-auth proxy which the edgemicro server uses to pull down products configured on startup.

Though we have created multiple products, the response returned from /edgemicro-auth/products is an empty JSON.

Can someone suggest what could be wrong? We are using 2.1.2 version of Edgemicro.

We have tried deleting the proxy and configuring edgemicro again.



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On configuring it again, the response comes back as

404 Cannot GET /products

EDIT: Noticed that the java callout was not added for some reason in this case when edgemicro was configured. Have deployed a different version of edgemicro-auth proxy which works in another org. But still not working. Getting {} (empty JSON)

Former Community Member
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@jaskarangump , I presume you're trying on a trial account. We recently blocked Java callouts on trial accounts. You'll need a paid account for MG to work.