Edge micro configuration among multiple instances



We have got currently eight environments (PROD, QA1, QA2, UAT1, UAT2, UAT3, PERF, DEV), and for each env we plan to have two MGW instance.


Do we need to spin multiple key and secret for each node in an env? or could I use a single key and secret?

What could be the impacts of using a single key & secret for 2 edgemicro nodes.


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hi @Srinandan Sridhar

can you help with my question above. Thanks.

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Each environment (org:env) will require a unique set of key and secret. Multiple MG instances pointed to the same env can share the same key and secret.

In your case, you'll have at least 8 keys and secrets). You could also have a key and secret per MG instance. In a tightly controlled environment, that would perhaps be an overkill. It helps when you have situations where an administrator might want to revoke a key/secret pair. You can do this without impacting other MG instances.