ERROR MESSAGING.RUNTIME - StatisticsCollectionStepDefinition$ : Deletion of path:[/organizations//environments//apiproxies//customvariables] failed, it could be due to race condition or zookeeeper connection issue

What does this error in the MP log indicate?

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Hi @Akash Prabhashankar ,

All the statistics that you add in your policy are added to the ZK and you can check them using

get /organizations/$orgname/environments/$envname/apiproxies/$proxyname/customvariables

AFAIK If you have the statistics variable in more than one policy in the same bundle , I guess the path is deleted and a new one is created . (just the definition which you will see part of schema)

From the above error I believe you have more than 1 statistics collector policy in the same bundle and during the delete there might be some network issues .

I might be completely wrong but the above is based on my understanding .

Can you confirm if thats the case and if the behaviour is consistent ?

You can also enable debug logs for more information if you haven't tried already .