Dynamic Quota using Quota Policy in API Proxy


I have a API Proxy where I have the Quota Policy which implements dynamic quota and takes the values from custom variables in API Product. Screenshots attached

I have the set the quota limit to 1 request per 60 seconds

But it is not throwing any error even if I send more than 1 request per 60 seconds . Can you please check what can be missing here ?

Also attaching the API Proxy Bundle





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Dear @GAURAV ,

Quota depends upon the number of message processors. If you have set the quota limit to 1 request per 60 seconds, if you have 2 message processors it will allow 2 requests or more till message processors sync in 60 seconds. For more details please refer quota policy documentation .

Regarding, Using quota defined in API Product attributes please refer solution here.

New Member

@GAURAV Try setting Synchronous to true and Distrubuted as true and it should work fine. Right now its non-distributed, which means the quota counters are local to you message-processors so you might see more calls bein allowed, depending on how many message-processors you have.