Does flow resolution using the dependency resolution plugin work?

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The dependency plugin works perfectly when doing policy resolution. However, despite trying and trying, I have not been able to get flow resolution to work.

I have been following the steps and using samples from:

Are there any gotchas to defining flowfrag files or something else that might be missing from the available doc?

I have a common_ping_request_flow_steps.flowfrag file in my proxies directory with the following contents:


And a monitoring.xml proxy endpoint definition on the same directory as follows:

<ProxyEndpoint name="monitoring">


        <Flow name="Ping">
                (proxy.pathsuffix MatchesPath "/ping") and
                (request.verb = "GET")
    <RouteRule name="default">


The config in my pom for the plugin is:

                        <!-- dependency resolution -->


I have a Common proxy where I keep the policies used and those get successfully pulled. However, no flowfragment replacement happens.

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Flow frags have a couple of requirements to my knowledge.

They must live in the proxies directory


when referencing them in your code you use only the name minus the prefix







<PreFlow name="PreFlow"> <Request/> <Response>

#flow-fragment-base-filename# without the.flowfrag extension

View solution in original post

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I found my issue. Another plugin in my pom was moving the updated files and leaving the unmodified ones in place of them. I have corrected this and can see the substitution works as expected.

@srichardson I really appreciate the time you took to confirm usage it helped troubleshoot the problem.

View solution in original post


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Can you post an example of how your currently setting up the flow frags?

Certainly. I have just updated the question.

can you add your pom configuration for the plugin?

Of course, done. Thanks for looking into this, it is driving me mad.

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Flow frags have a couple of requirements to my knowledge.

They must live in the proxies directory


when referencing them in your code you use only the name minus the prefix







<PreFlow name="PreFlow"> <Request/> <Response>

#flow-fragment-base-filename# without the.flowfrag extension

Not applicable

Have you tried using the newer version

2.1.0 instead of 2.0.0?

Everything else in you examples look fine

I just tried and unfortunately still not working. I am proceeding to reproduce and an even simpler proxy configuration (although it can't get much simpler).

If you have a working dummy project you can share do please send it across.

Thanks again for the comments.

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I found my issue. Another plugin in my pom was moving the updated files and leaving the unmodified ones in place of them. I have corrected this and can see the substitution works as expected.

@srichardson I really appreciate the time you took to confirm usage it helped troubleshoot the problem.

Thank you @gonzalo.silva.cruz for asking this question. We had run into the exact same issue & this answer helped us.

We were doing copy resources in parent-pom in phase "package" which actually overrides the proxy dependency changes. We moved them into "prepare-package" phase & issue is resolved.

                            <echo message="basedir parent : ${basedir}"/>