Does API Proxy provide support for HTTP HEAD and PATCH methods?


When we create API Proxy, we have options for http methods like POST,GET,PUT and DELETE.

Do we have support for HEAD and PATCH ?


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Dear @GAURAV ,

Yes, By default Apigee supports all HTTP methods. OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, PATCH.

On a separate note, if you would like to restrict any methods on your API Proxy, you can use allow.http.method.* property to restrict HTTP Methods.

Use above setting to disable any HTTP method by setting the value for the property name, for example, name="allow.http.method.POST" to false. For example,


If the incoming request's method is not allowed, then the HTTP status code 405, "Method Not Allowed" will be returned, along with an Allow header whose value is the list of all methods that are allowed. Find more information here.

Update :

It's just the restriction in the UI. See way below to specify other HTTP Methods. Choose any method while creating, then edit in the XML.


Hi @Anil Sagar

When I go to API Proxy Overview screen in Edge Management API, I don't see HEAD and PATCH options while adding Resource. I can see only GET,PUT,POST,DELETE and ALL

@GAURAV, yes, It's an UI Restriction, but you can always change in the XML. See updated answer.

Is there any initiative to automatically support HEAD method for all the GET endpoints?