Disable Audit logs (Organization History) access for certain roles

Hi everybody,

I'm looking for a way to limit access to the ' Audit logs' page in Apigee Edge Private cloud.

My client has external logging and does not want everybody to be able to access these types of logs.

I tried adding an empty permission for audits/organizations/*, I know this is probably not the right permission, but wanted to try something.


Anyone has any ideas?




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I don't believe this is supported for audits.

However, there was a flag added that will only allow org administrators to view audits (isAuditEnabledOnlyForOrgAdmin)

Please refer to


It's include in OPDK as part of this release https://docs.apigee.com/release/notes/4500009-private-cloud-relnotes

Hi @dknezic ,

Thanks for your reply.  I tried setting the flag with the Organizations api as a property.

curl --location --request POST 'https://url/v1/o/sandbox' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "properties": {
        "property": [
                "name": "isAuditEnabledOnlyForOrgAdmin",
                "value": "true"

Unfortunately it does not seem to work. Can this flag be set as an org property?






One note, when updating properties is you should be including all the existing properties that were set in your org as this will override.

When you say it doesn't work, what response are you getting?

So the curl works however the result is not as expected.
A user with the standard 'user' role for instance can still view the audits in the UI.

Also what version of OPDK are you on? As the feature was introduced in

Were currently on

I believe it also needs a features. prefix eg features.isAuditEnabledOnlyForOrgAdmin

if that still doesnt work, it might be best to then raise an Apigee support case.