Developer Portal Installation Error

Not applicable

Hi Everyone

I hope someone can assist with an installation issue that I am experiencing with the developer portal.

I get to the stage where after you browse to the instance and enter install.php and go through adding your edge configuration settings I then get to the stage of the installation that checks Render sample SmartDocs content. I then see an error at the top of the page titled as follows:

Unauthorized: GET

I have not entered this URL anywhere in the setup so was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same issue and how they resolved it. Smart docs is installed as per the installation requirements so not sure why I am seeing this issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



0 11 836

Dear @Mark Lehmann,

During installation of Developer Portal, when you create sample smartdocs content is pushed to API Modelling datastore using above Apigee Edge APIs. It needs valid OrgAdmin Credentials setup during previous Edge Configuration screen. I see endpoint is pointed to cloud instance instead of onPrem Apigee Edge API Endpoint.

If you see Unauthorized error, that means Apigee Edge Org Admin Credentials that you entered in previous screen either wrong or don't have necessary permissions.

Are you on onPrem or Cloud ?


Anil Sagar

Hi Anil

Thanks for your prompt reply. I am configuring this onPrem but there is no option to be able to go back that I can see as the home button doesn't work wither see attached screenshot or the error.


Dear @Mark Lehmann ,

Definitely it's a bug with in Developer Portal installation procedure. I will raise the same with concerned team so that issue can be fixed on priority.

But, there is a work around for same. Please use drush command line tool to fix the credentials so that installation can proceed. Please run following commands from command line using drush to fix the credentials. Run the commands from Developer Portal Root.. That is generally /var/www/html/...

Since it's onPrem you need to change the Edge Endpoint. That's causing the Unauthorized issue..

Set EndPoint..

drush dc-setend http://YOUREDGEAPIENDPOINT:PORT

Set Org

drush dc-setorg YOURORGNAME

Set Credentials

drush devconnect-set-auth --password=YOURPASSWORD

where is your Org Admin Email, Replace YOURPASSWORD with password.

Test the connection using below command and proceed to developer portal installation if everything is fine.. It should fix the issue.

drush devconnect-test-conn

Please keep me posted if you see any issues.


Anil Sagar

Thanks I will take a look at this issue and let you know.

Not applicable

So i tried the commands and when i try and run the drush devconnect-set-auth command i get the following error:

the drush command 'devconnect-set-auth could not be found

Any suggestions?



Dear @Mark Lehmann ,

Can you post the output of below command ? You should run below command from Apigee Developer Portal root...



Anil Sagar

See attached

Dear @Mark Lehmann ,

Thanks, That confirms drush is installed and working as expected. Can you post output of below command ?

drush dc-getend

ideally, it should be you Edge API Endpoint, if it's not your Edge API Endpoint then change it using below command



Anil sagar

Not applicable

I could but all it gives me is the correct output of the correct EdgeAPI Endpoint

Okay, Can you run below command to check connection status to Apigee Edge ?

drush dc-test