Datastore not added to the pods of the organization

Not applicable

On running the proxy in OPDK, below error occured in the UI.

"Datastore not added to the pods of the organization"

0 5 697

@Madhumita Kumari , Need more details to understand what exactly is the issue here. Is it cloud / on prem ? trial / paid org ?

Not applicable
  • First get all pod for the organization.
curl http://localhost:8080/v1/o/organization/pods
  • Put the each region name and pod name run in the below management call to see if wiring has happened properly.

curl http://localhost:8080/v1/regions/{region_name}/pods/{pod_name}/servers?type=kms-datastore

If Above doesn't show any output for the particular pod/region then it's wiring issue and error will pop up in the UI.

  • We can check the wiring status through zktree output also.

==> {INT_DIR}/apigee4/contrib// > {filename}.json

  • If it is wiring issue the we can manually register the missing datastores to the pod with the below management call.
curl http://localhost:8080/v1/servers -X POST -d "type=keyvaluemap-datastore&type=cache-datastore&type=counter-datastore&type=kms-datastore&type=dc-datastore&region={region_name}&pod={pod_name} &InternalIP=$HOST"

/*** Run above curl one by one for each cassandra IPs

How different is this for a cloud org?

You mean how Pod is different from Org?

An Org represents a tenant. Pod is a logical grouping of components.

After updating the Cassandra node run management server component to resolve all gaps