DataStoreNodeConfig has wrong host

Not applicable

We had a change in IP addresses for our all-in-one setup. I have been trying to change the IP address for the different components. However, the Management Server keeps dying on me because of this error message:

2017-07-18 10:15:03,023 main WARN DATASTORE.CASSANDRA - ConfigurationUtil.resolveLocalDataCenter() : TTransportException while resolving datacenter for datastoreconfig:[DataStoreConfig{name='scheduler-datastore-config#dc-1#central#', type=null, keyspace='scheduler', consistencyLevelPolicy=me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.ConfigurableConsistencyLevel@39ad12b6, maxActiveConnections=100, thriftSocketTimeoutInMillis=0, dataStoreNodeConfigs=[DataStoreNodeConfig{host='', userName='null', password='null', uuid=41960042-af64-4552-b973-c8e72498724f, properties=null}]}]

The DataStoreNodeConfig shows our old IP address. That's why it can't connect to it.

I saw in the documentation that you can update the datastore registrations by sending a curl to the management server, which isn't running. See my problem?

How to fix this?

0 1 140

Not applicable

What version of Edge are you using?

If 16XX/17XX you may be able to update your response file (the file you pass to -f) and re-run -f /path/updated-respose-file.txt

16XX/17XX installer was designed be able apply changes and handle deltas in config (those values in the response file). Cassandra cluster hosts are in the response file.