Customizing the User Registration page

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I have looked through some of the posts here with regards to the user registration customization and am trying to see what is the best way to do this.

We need to capture more information from the users on the registration page and upon form submission, we need to call a webservice and post the data to one of our internal systems which handles user registrations review /approval overiding the default processing that happens with the user registration out of the box

When the user is reviewed and approved there, the user account will be created by calling the management APIs in Edge for Developer.

Would you recommend that we create a new custom form and direct the user to that form upon clicking the registration link with the post back handling the call to the webservice rather than changing the existing registration page with respect to the fields / and the form submission?

I am a newbie to drupal and still learning and trying to see what is the best way to accomplish this.

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If you want to add a field to the user registration form,

See here.

If you use a name for the field like attribute_foo , then that attribute will be saved with the name "foo" to the Developer Entity by the Drupal devportal.

You will not need to modify the code that calls the management APIs in Edge for the Developer creation, for this to happen. It looks for fields with names conforming to that pattern.


If you want to introduce some approval to the user registration flow, you can require admin approval for users. See here for a screencast overview of that. This will prevent a user from logging in and creating API keys, unless and until an admin approves the account in Drupal. You can automate that by enabling the REST interface to Drupal, and then writing a script to invoke those APIs.


Thanks for the quick response. The new fields are little more involved - Like we would need to have 2 options with radio buttons and based on which one is picked - we have to show additional text input fields for one of the options. I see that where i can add the fields but how can i add the java script to do further actions based on what radio button is selected and display the additional fields?

The mainstream option is to use Conditional Fields, which is part of Drupal7. That may fit your needs nicely.

You can do it with standard JS if you like; for that you would need to create your own module and embed the required JS into the module and enable the module. This isn't complicated but it may be unnecessary. I wrote something about adding browser-side JavaScript to a Drupal-served form, to address a similar need, a while ago.

Thanks Dino! will explore the options you suggested.