Creation of Blogs Forum options in out of the box integrated developer portal in Apigee X

Hi , 

I want to create a Forum for the integrated developer portal . I know this feature is only available in drupal based portal .

But we have Integrated poral and want to have forum kind of thing . Please suggest what other options  we have to implement this . 

Can we create a form if forum is not feasible . what is the standard way to do this . 

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Interesting question - 

To get this to work, you would need to use a SaaS forum (like disqus) or, you'd need to host your own forum, using something like Discourse or myBB, running in Cloud Run or some other app hosting system.  And in either case you would embed the forum via an iframe or similar, in a page in your integrated developer portal. 

(I guess an alternative would be to host the forum completely separately from the developer portal, on a different URL . (No iframe, just a link out). That might require 2 different signins, and might not be ideal.  But it would be easier.)

The general idea is to embed a forum into a static website. In this case the static website is the Apigee integrated Dev portal. It's not _completely_ static, but for the purposes of this discussion, it's static.  You cannot run your own server-side code on it.  So the general idea is really nothing specific to the Apigee Integrated developer portal.  I suggest you google around for examples of how to embed forum software into static websites - it's a question many other people have confronted and there are a variety of options out there.