Could an empty Shared Flow (SF) negatively affect proxies where this SF is being used?

Could an empty Shared Flow (SF) negatively affect proxies where this SF is being used?

e.g., there is SF with a Data Capture policy within & this SF is being used in all the proxies.

If I make SF empty by deleting all the policies inside, empty SF could have any negative effect on the related proxies, like stoppage of proxies?


BR, Optimism

0 1 105

It is possible to have an empty Shared Flow. Will it "have any negative effect"?  Well I guess there is some cost, some overhead, to invoking an empty shared flow. And at very high scale it might have some slowdown effect in the API proxies. But I would not be able to estimate that effect, or at what transaction volume threshold it might become noticeable. You would be able to determine this only through empirical data.