Content-Length header and calculated Content-Length showing different values

Hello everyone,

I have a proxy that accepts an uploaded binary(.bin) file as part of "multipart/form-data" request.

When I am calculating the Content-Length value using a Javascript policy, it differs from the value present in the Content-Length header. I am using the below Javascript to calculate the length of the payload.

var requestPayload = context.getVariable("request.content");
var payloadLength = requestPayload.length;

var contentLengthHeader = context.getVariable("request.header.Content-Length");

Below is the CURL command for proxy:

curl -v "" -F file1=@sample.bin

The CURL gives the below output


User-Agent: curl/7.53.1                                                             
Accept: */*                                                                         
Content-Length: 835                                                                 
Expect: 100-continue                                                                
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------319463f6aef4af34

The value present in Content-Length" is 835 whereas, the value calculated by the javascript is 832.

Is there anything I am missing or doing wrong here? Or Is Apigee transforming the payload in some way?

Note: I am not able to attach the sample.bin which I am sending in my CURL command. I have downloaded this file from here

Thanks in advance, Any help is appreciated!

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