Conformance metadata on FHIR proxy

I have setup healthapix proxies in my account. I was trying to understand the response message from Conformance metadata API call. How do I understand something like this in the response. Please help

   "type": "MedicationAdministration",
   "profile": {
      "reference": ""
   "interaction": [
         "code": "read"
         "code": "vread"
         "code": "update"
         "code": "delete"
         "code": "history-instance"
         "code": "history-type"
         "code": "create"
         "code": "search-type"
   "conditionalCreate": true,
   "conditionalUpdate": true,
   "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
   "searchInclude": [
   "searchParam": [
         "name": "_content",
         "type": "string",
         "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search"
         "name": "_has",
         "type": "string",
         "documentation": "Return resources linked to by the given target"
         "name": "_id",
         "type": "string",
         "documentation": "The resource identity"
         "name": "_language",
         "type": "string",
         "documentation": "The resource language"
         "name": "_lastUpdated",
         "type": "date",
         "documentation": "Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range"
         "name": "_profile",
         "type": "uri",
         "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given profile"
         "name": "_security",
         "type": "token",
         "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given security labels"
         "name": "_tag",
         "type": "token",
         "documentation": "Search for resources which have the given tag"
         "name": "_text",
         "type": "string",
         "documentation": "Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search"
         "name": "code",
         "type": "token",
         "documentation": "Return administrations of this medication code"
         "name": "device",
         "type": "reference",
         "documentation": "Return administrations with this administration device identity",
         "chain": [
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