Comma allows converts to hex %2C causing erro

Not applicable

In our URL request we have a Query parameter that looks like GEOBOUNDS=0,0,0,0

Problem we have is Apigee converts the URL to GEOBOUNDS=0%2C0%2C0%2C0

After running successful JS changing the variable back to 0,0,0,0 - when we put into the Assign Message, it converts it back to 0%2C0%2C0%2C0 when sending the request to the target endpoint.... they can't accept this format, we need it to be 0,0,0,0.

How do we ensure that we can keep the QueryPara GEOBOUNDS=0,0,0,0

2 1 224

Hi @Mike Davie,

Since you haven’t gotten an answer yet, I thought I’d note that a similar question has been asked twice on the forum, and although there's some good information in the replies that might be helpful, there's not a definite resolution:

Unfortunately, I don’t know a workaround or any way to turn off parameter encoding (or if it's possible), but maybe someone else will be able to help with either an explanation of the behavior or a workaround.
