Cloudbuild error - Failed to trigger build

Hi All, Any idea why im getting this error and

how to solve this Failed to trigger build: generic::invalid_argument: if 'build.service_account' is specified, the build must either (a) specify 'build.logs_bucket' (b) use the CLOUD_LOGGING_ONLY logging option, or (c) use the NONE logging option



I have a repo created same as - in google cloud repo im trying to CloudBuild trigger.png


Following is cloudbuild.yaml code

1 6 2,150

I'm getting the same error. Although the previous Cloud Run projects work fine. The problem seemed to have been after I started to pay for GCP 😄 

Can anyone help, or should I try getting another free trial. Cause it worked in my free trials.

@ssvaidyanathan or @davidrush have you seen this?  
Can you tell if the error is the result of a billing issue as suggested by @prmeyn ? or is it something that changed in the gcloud command? Or.. ?

@prmeyn - Are you configuring Cloud Build to use your own service account or are you using the default Cloud Build service account? The sample assumes the latter. If you are not using the default account and use your own service account, then you will need to make sure you give permissions depending on where you want to store the Cloud Build logs

Hope you sourced the as mentioned in the sample which uses the service account to execute. If you are still facing issues. Please let us know

@ssvaidyanathan  I'm new to GCP, but I tried the steps above in the free trial and it just worked. This is the first CloudRun service I'm attempting after my free trial expired.

@prmeyn - Thanks for the recording. You are not deploying the sample from that the repo you shared.

However for your Cloud Build to work, in the Cloud Build config page, in the service account section, make sure service account email empty so that the default is picked. 



Thanks, that did the trick.