Cassandra PoolTimeoutException while running apigee-migrate-tool

New Member

We are trying to export from a 17.05 OPDK all our proxies with apigee-migrate-tool but we are seeing this error.

Fatal error: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

The error happens after some proxies are already exported. We have around 200 proxies and the size varies between 12MB to a few KB.

Looking at the management-server logs (system.log) there are quite a few PoolTimeoutException like this one

2018-03-29 16:16:22,346 org:org-example  pool-3-thread-2490 ERROR DATASTORE.CASSANDRA - AstyanaxCassandraClient.fetchDynamicCompositeColumns() : Error while querying columnfamily : [api_proxy_revisions_r21, org-example@proxy-example] for rowkey:{} PoolTimeoutException: [host=None(, latency=2017(2017), attempts=2]Timed out waiting for connection
        at ~[astyanax-core-1.56.43-apigee.jar:na]
        at ~[astyanax-core-1.56.43-apigee.jar:na]
        at ~[astyanax-core-1.56.43-apigee.jar:na]

The above error starts with the proxy that failed to be exported.

This post seems somewhat related though it was while doing a load test for the KVM. I was looking to change that same property (maxactive_cassandra_connections) though which of all these files I should change and which could be a good number to run the script? (Assuming that the change has to be done in the management-server, please correct me if am wrong)


We had ran the export all proxies in a 15.07 without problems in the past, was any of those configuration changed with the recent versions?

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New Member

@Maruti Chand @Baba Krishnankutty

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not applicable

Hi @Matias,

management servers are not intended for the load; you may want to wait for few sec-min (sleep) before each proxy download.

IIRC you should modify the app repo keyspace related property file to increase the maxactive_cassandra_connections if you want to see raising that fixes your issue for now.

Thanks for the reply @Maruti Chand.

> management servers are not intended for the load

Good to know. It's unfortunate that the script from that repo doesn't follow those guidelines.

I ran a test with more connections in the though it didn't work.

Does Apigee has any other public repo to migrate proxies from one cluster to another one?