Cannot create a new proxy revision (because a127 deploys my devDependencies?)

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I've been following the solution on how to add in CORS support after-the-fact ...

Downloading the revision, adding in proxy support in xml, then packaging it back up as a zip, and then upload a new revision (etc).

I feel like I've been getting the hang of what's happening here, but I get an error each time I upload the zip.

Eventually, I decided to try another approach, at which point the nature of the error revealed itself ...

When I try to create a new proxy revision from my -- otherwise working -- proxy, it gives me a generic error ...


I am deeply suspicious that I have either exceeded the number of node packages or total filesize that are permitted here.

This is a very small Node.js project, but I am using babel so that I can code in ES6 ... And I suspect that this is where the problem is ...

"dependencies": { "a127-magic": "^0.12.0", "cors": "^2.8.1", "express": "3.x.x", "he": "^1.1.0", "request": "^2.79.0", "usergrid": "^0.10.11", "volos-analytics-apigee": "", "volos-analytics-common": "", "volos-analytics-memory": "", "volos-cache-apigee": "", "volos-cache-memory": "", "volos-cache-redis": "", "volos-oauth-apigee": "", "volos-oauth-redis": "", "volos-quota-apigee": "", "volos-quota-memory": "", "volos-quota-redis": "", "volos-spikearrest-memory": "" },

"devDependencies": { "babel-cli": "^6.18.0", "babel-core": "^6.21.0", "babel-eslint": "^7.1.1", "babel-polyfill": "^6.20.0", "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.18.0", "eslint": "^3.12.2", "should": "4.4.x", "supertest": "0.15.x" },

... because my project takes around 30 minutes to deploy, and it seems to be because a127 is zipping up and sending to your servers my devDependencies.

I have to imagine that this is a mistake. What could possibly be the point of deploying those?

I'm attaching a copy of my proxy revision without the /resources directory, so that I am under the 5mb filesize limit ...

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Cloning the repo, removing node_modules and all devDependencies, then deploying to a127 did not solve this problem. Will now try to recreate the proxy with CORS from this forked repo ...

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Creating a new proxy and deploying to it did not resolve the "Error Saving Revision" error, but now checking to see if CORS problem has been resolved ...

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That did indeed fix the CORS problem.

Not applicable

The only way I was able to solve this problem was to recreate the proxy with CORS using the wizard interface, adjust my a127 project details to reflect this new proxy, and then deploy to that. I still do not understand why my working proxy still cannot save a revision, but it's not a blocker at least at the moment.

I've found it alarmingly easy to override the correct functioning CORS settings w/ subsequent deployments.