​Can we deploy Apigee on Cloud, Hybrid and On-premise environments ?

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I'm trying to find out a suitable API Gateway to be deployed in my company. As we are choosing among Hybrid, Cloud and On-Premise, I'd like to know if Apigee fits those models.

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Hi @decooliveira Yes. Apigee Edge can be deployed in three models:

  • Public Cloud/SaaS offering
  • Private Cloud/On premises offering (everything is hosted in the customer's data center(s), or a IaaS provider of their choice)
  • Hybrid (Microgateways are deployed in the customer's data center; analytics, administration and developer portal are deployed on the cloud).

    If you want to learn more about Apigee Edge, talk someone in person or see a demo, please write to sales@apigee.com


I'm interested in using Apigee on premises but I cannot find any information regarding the cost structure of such an installation. Can you give me some information ?

Thank you.

@Florent Jaby , Welcome to Apigee Community.

You can contact Apigee Sales here for onPremises pricing related information.