Can we change or ignore 120.00 or 0.0 to 120 or 0 in APIGEE with any configuration?

Can we change or ignore 120.00 or 0.0 to 120 or 0 in APIGEE with any configuration? 

Instead of 

0 1 127

Can we change or ignore 120.00 or 0.0 to 120 or 0 in APIGEE with any configuration? 

Yes, you can do that pretty easily, with a JS callout.  Supposing that your request payload is the thing that has the decimal digits, you would retrieve from request.content., and you would attach the JS policy to the request flow.  If it is the respopnse payload that you want to convert, then you would retrieve from response.content.  The JS code looks like this: 

var contextVariableHoldingJson = 'request.content';   // or response.content?
var content = context.getVariable(contextVariableHoldingJson); 
content = JSON.parse(content); // parse it as JSON 
context.setVariable(contextVariableHoldingJson, JSON.stringify(content));

But Can you explain further your requirement to modify 120.00 to 120 in a JSON payload?

It seems like those are equivalent and a system that deals with such a json payload should be able to handle either format, and treat them equivalently. What is the issue that necessitates the change? 

Also, will the modification be for specific (named) fields, or any/all fields?  The example I showed above converts any/all fields that have unnecessary decimal digits.