BEST PRACTICE: How to add CCK fields to Smartdoc Template?

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I am looking at the best practice way to add custom cck field added to the smartdoc content type into the actual smartdoc template.

For example, say I add 'State' w/ field name 'field_state'.

I understand how to display it with views I just need to have it automatically included upon Smartdoc upload.

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Me too I want to add some fields, i can't know how to display them

If you need the field to be injected in the middle of the smartdoc, then you are going to have to use php to put it inside your .hbr template.

However, you won't need to fuss with that already very messy .hbr template if you are fine with the fields displaying in a sidebar or before or after the smartdoc content delivered by the .hbr.

If that is the case then you can simply create a block using the Views module.

You'll probably have to create a contextual filter for your view that filters on nid (node id) so that the smartdoc page will display field information for the specific smartdoc the person is viewing.