Azure Apigee Edge Marketplace deployment not available in the Australian billing region

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I'd like to know why the Apigee Edge Azure Marketplace Private Cloud deployment is not available in the Australian Billing region? A support ticket raised with Microsoft Azure provided the following explanation for this situation:

"..we can’t do anything much Australian Billing region. For further update for the same you will have to contact the Publisher. If you see at the bottom of the webpage there is a link for community , where you can post the questions probably."

Can someone please assist?

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@James ,

Welcome to Apigee Community. Regret the inconvenience & Thank you for highlighting this.

Australia is one of our key regions which includes customers like Telstra, Woolworths etc. How did we miss Australia in the list !! I think we should get it on the list quick. @Sandeep Murusupalli Any help here ? Can we add same to the list here & Any other pages where we have billing countries list ?

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Hi James,

I am looking into this issue. Will update you once the Solution template is available in the region.

By the way can you confirm that you are using the solution template ( and not the Virtual Image from the marketplace ?

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I'll check this for you. I think I just searched "Apigee" in the Azure Marketplace and attempted to deploy whatever came up. There was only one choice so I didn't think there were multiple options (i.e. Solution Template versus Virtual Image)?


I've just confirmed that the link you provided does seem to deploy into the Australian Southeast region. I'm currently in the process of deploying an XSmall instance so I will let you know if this is successful. Can i ask what the difference is between these two options when you search for "Apigee" in the Azure marketplace?

Apigee Edge

Apigee EDGE Image Private Cloud Version: 4-15-07

I could have sworn that there was only the Edge Private cloud image option available when I checked a few days ago and not the "Apigee Edge" option.

The XSmall deployment in Australia Southeast region failed. I'm not sure why. The error message was not very detailed. I tried re-deploying with a "Medium" configuration but my own personal support account is limited to 10 CPU cores quota. So I'm not sure what to do here...

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@James I was able to create this small instance in the Sydney region. Can you please email me and let me know what issue you faced.

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Hi @Sandeep Murusupalli /, is this restriction also for India region? We are facing similar issue which creating XSmall cluster on Azure environment. Attached log and


Hi @Sandeep Murusupalli / Do we have similar restriction for India region as well? We are facing issue which doing XSmall deployment in Azure (attached is error log and screenshot)