Apps in the Apigee UI show the wrong developer after creating a new Developer/App using the API

I am trying to use the Apigee X API to create a new Developer and Application, but after doing it, it now shows in the UI that all previously created Apps belong to the new Developer, if I go to any App, it show that the owner is the new Developer, but if I refresh the page it shows the correct Developer as owner.

In the Developers page it shows the correct association between Developers and Apps, the issue only seems to happen when listing the apps and then going to an App details page.

Using the Api to get Developer details, it also shows the correct association between Developers and Apps.

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Hi, thank you lalanzo for reporting this. It sounds like it could be a bug in the UI's caching model. Please open a ticket with support as they may need additional information.

Thanks, will do, it also happens when manually creating Developers and Apps in the UI.