ApigeeX - no active runtime pods

screenshot-2021-03-18-at-31924-pm.pngIn the new ApigeeX console,

1. I went through the signup process, but this time using an existing GCP project ID, which then prompts to Enable certain APIs (Compute, Apigee, etc.), and assign a VPC for connect to Apigee.I did get an 'unknown error' during sign up. But then upon refreshing the page, I was taken into the ApigeeX console.

2. But now, when I created a simple passthrough API proxy, I get the following error during deployment - 'no active runtime pods'. I have attached the screenshot. Is this error related to the 'unknown error' I received during the signup?

I am unable to deploy and test my proxies.

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not sure your exact issue but I recommend since you had an error during creation to create a new GCP project and then use the Apigee provisioning wizard here: https://apigee.google.com/setup/eval

Before using the wizard, don’t forget to enable the APIs on your project as described here:



- You created environment in ApigeeX but you haven't added/attached environment to the instance.

How to check and verify above theory:

- API call to check all environment in your ApigeeX org. This will show list of environment names

TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"  "https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/{ORG_NAME}/environments"

- API call to check current instance in your org(if its there).

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/{ORG_NAME}/instances"

Example output:

  "instances": [
      "name": "eval-asia-northeast1-a",
      "location": "asia-northeast1-a",
      "host": "xx.xxx.xx.xx",
      "port": "443",
      "state": "ACTIVE",
      "peeringCidrRange": "SLASH_23"

- Now check the current attachment for above instance name

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"  "https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/{ORG_NAME}/instances/{INSTANCE_NAME}/attachments"

Expected output:

  "attachments": [
      "name": "xxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xx",
      "environment": "{ENVIRONMENT_NAME}",
      "createdAt": "1618464385837"

If you not find out the environment name in above API call for which you are getting error "no active runtime pod". Which means environment is not attached to instance.

- API call to attach environment to instance

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H
"Content-Type: application/json"
"https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/${ORG_ID}/instances/${INSTANCE_ID}/attachments" --data
"{\"environment\": \"$ENVIRONMENT_ID\"}"

After above successful API call, you can cross check with step 2 API call. Last API call will trigger creation of runtime pods.