Apigee sharedflows and proxies integration using CI/CD Pipelines

We were using Apigee Edge and we are in the process of moving to Apigee X. 

- Using one repo per proxy approach. 

- Our understanding is to create one proxy per git repo ( Example: github.com/proxy1, github.com/proxy2) and so on. We can integrate this with Bitbucket Pipeline and also test in the emulator and deploy the same in the ApigeeX environment

- Question 1: How to maintain shared flows? We are assuming that it can be in separate repositories. we were not able to deploy shared flows in the emulator without the proxies section in deployments.json   

-  Question 2: How do we refer to these shared flows in individual proxies?

- Question 3: If there is a shared flow change, does it mean all the relevant proxies need to deployed?

@dknezic @ssvaidyanathan

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