Apigee X Public API

Hi All,

Are there any publicly available Apigee X API's which can be used for testing in no-code platform Google Appsheet?



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The APIs for Apigee administration/ operation, aka “the Apigee API”, is documented.  The endpoint is Apigee.googleapis.com. To use this API, you need an Apigee organization.  

if you are talking about something else, maybe you could elaborate more on what your goal is. 

hi dchiesa1,

Goal here is to use test  Apigee X as datasource in Appsheet i.e. to use an Apigee X API data to create an App. I do not have GCP Project subscription to create an API, hence looking for publicly available API which I can here.






For me, this course is helping me: 


The full API is here:


No code for consume APIs? I don't know now the fully operation of AppSheet, but maybe you want to consider consume it first to understand, by curl or Postman. 


> to use an Apigee X API data to create an App. 

I think you are saying that you want to invoke an API Proxy that is managed under Apigee X, from AppSheet.  As far as I know, an API that is proxied through Apigee X is no different than an API that is not. An Apigee X proxy doesn’t make the API different. You can invoke any publicly available API, it will work the same. 

Also, it’s strange to me that you specifically want an API that is proxied through Apigee, but you don’t have an Apigee organization.  Why would you care to specify that it must be an API that is public and ALSO is managed through Apigee (someone else’s Apigee!)? 


Reason for Apigee X API : Appsheet does not allow any API to be added as datasource.  
