Apigee Router Max Connections per Second on a single Host

Hello everyonwe.

What is the maximum number of connections per second that a single router node can support?
We are about to migrate an API to Apigee where it currently peaks at 40,000 requests per second some times. One API ONLY!

Our planet has 28 nodes, with 2 MS and 8 Routers. We are considering installing 4 more routers to handle this. Is that enough? How can we do this calculation?



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Hi Felipe,

There is no set max concurrency number for routers we can provide, as it is highly dependent on your specific api traffic (latency, request and response sizes). Generally, the routers tend to be very performant, rarely exceeding a 2:1 ratio of MP:routers. I would be more concerned with the capacity of the MPs to handle this load.

Give you are just porting a single API, can you test simulated traffic of this API against your nodes in a dev/perf environment to find when you start hitting availability and/or latency issues? A concrete benchmark would then let you project out additional capacity needs for both routers and MPs.